You'll notice as soon as you come in the door that we love God and we love each other. We are a family made up of all kinds of families seeking to grow closer to God and one another in everything we do. We worship together, pray together, play together and share life in many other ways. We would love for you to see what we have going on and join us on our journey.

Sunday Morning
10:00 am at building and online
YouTube: NWChurchOKC

Bible Class
Classes for all ages

Sunday Afternoon
GriefShare continues later 2025

Mid-Week Bible Study
ALPHA dinner at 6pm
Classes Wednesdays at 6:30
Recent Sermons
All Things in Common
In the first church Christians considered their property to be shared when it came to meeting one another's needs. Today the church holds its assets in common in a different way. This week we talk about ten reasons to continue giving to Northwest and the mission God gives us.
The Ripe Harvest
Jesus told his disciples that the harvest was plentiful but the workers were few. Today, we sometimes wonder if America is a poor harvest. This week contends that the harvest is still plentiful if we join Jesus in mission and depend on the power of multiplication and discipleship to reach the world.
Living the Story: Light to Nations
God called Israel to be a blessing to all nations and they struggled to ever truly achieve that. Jesus turned tables at the Temple because of this failure. But the early Christians, and now we today, are called to take the love and light of God into the dark world. Have you considered what's keeping you from shining your light?